Monday, June 6, 2016

Hey Mom!!!! Thanks for all the advice!!! Lets just say that I had one of the best weeks in the mission!!!!! 

So Transfers did come, and to my surprise, my comp left, and I was put to train for my last transfer... It was kind of a weird training meeting, because there were only three new missionaries who got here this transfer.  So it felt like no one was there! But my new companion is Elder Lagos, he is from Santiago Chile.  He is just the best!!! He is a way good missionary, and he knows a lot more than me! I get along with him really well!!! We are working really hard together, and we are contacting so much!!!! 

Then as you can see in the pics, the Zuniga family got baptized!!! It was the best, they were so happy, and President Willard was there for the Baptism also! After they were baptized, The Bro Zuniga shared his testimony, and it was so powerful! They are so converted, and he is going to be an amazing leader in the church! He made a joke and said that he thought after his baptism he was going to fall over like he was dead, and have a vision like the Lamoni, that Ammon taught!!! Haha he is reading so much, and he is really smart also!!! It was a really great experience with them! 

So while I was in Santa Cruz this week for the trainers meeting, I was able to go back to Guapilo, and see the Millares family! They were so happy, and I will send you pictures later that I took with them! It was great! I miss them! 

So something cool that happened this week, was that while we were walking, we saw a guy who was like a block and a half away.  My comp and I looked at each other, and we knew we needed to talk with him.  So we walked really fast, and talked to him right as he was walking into his door.  At first he did not seem very excited to see us, and he told us that he already knew who we were, because he was baptized when he was 13.   But he had some problems with some members.   So my comp right there took out the scriptures, and shared how our goal and example should be Christ and not the people.  Then he let us in, and we talked.  He asked us to come back  on Wednesday, when his kids and his wife would be there! It was really cool! My comp is the best! 

Thanks for everything mom, I love you a lot, thanks for all your advice, I promise this will be the best transfer!!!! love you mom! 

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