Monday, June 20, 2016

So I forgot my camera so I don't have any cool pictures to send, but let's just say that this was a super cool week here! So First off, My comp is just seriously so good, he is a lot better missionary than me, and he only has a couple weeks here in the mission!!! 

So we have been having a couple struggles this week, because it is really cold. No one here has heaters, or anything to heat them up when it's cold, so they just get in their bed right when they get home from work.  They don't like the thought of getting out and talking to us... but we did find this was cool guy.  His name is Sergio, he is from Bolivia, but he lived in Switzerland for 13 years, and with all the money he made there, he came back to Bolivia, and started his own business. It was different teaching him, because all the people we teach are almost all catholics, or evangelist, and they have a really closed mind, and they are not open to new ideas. But when he lived in Switzerland he was introduced to all kinds of new religions, so when we explained about the restoration, and how the truths were lost, he said "Oh that all makes sense."  Then even before we invited him, he said "So if I wanted to know the truth, I would have to do the same as Joseph Smith and ask God." It felt like right before we were about to explain anything it already occurred in his mind that's what needed to happen. He was just surprised how everything all made sense! It was such a cool experience!!! He is really good! 

 Also the Zuniga family they are just so great!!! The dad is just way smart, and he just loves to read and to learn! This week he was studying about Jacob 5 and all of the olive trees, and he just understood like everything. He just is so smart and he is progressing so fast! He got the priesthood this week, and they are going to give him a calling next week! They are just the best people!!! 

I finished the book of mormon also this week, for the 4th time in the mission, and the 2nd all in Spanish! I really do love that book, and I can feel my testimony being renewed every-time I read it! It's the best! 
I am glad to hear that everyone is doing good! I really love to hear that everything is going good! I miss you guys and love you guys!!!! Have a great week! 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hey mom!

SO this was a really great week this week!!! Things are just great with my companion and I, we just get along great, and I feel like we have been friends for our whole life! I really do love him, and I am so grateful that he is my comp. 

So this week we were able to visit a couple of really cool people! The Zuniga invited us over, and also invited another family to listen to us, and at first the family was kind of shocked at that their friends got baptized, and they didn't want to hear very much, then when we started talking with them, they became super friendly, and at the end they said they want to go to the church to see how it is. and they want to know more. The only problem is that they don't live in our area, so we gave the reference to the other Elders, and hopefully they can go and teach that family! 

My comp and I also are working with this guy who is like 24.  When we first met him like 1 and a half months ago, he said he had a hard time believing in God, and he said he doesn't like the mormons.  Now he is progressing really well.  He went to church and everything and he is really excited for his baptism!!! 

Well everything is good here.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hey Mom!!!! Thanks for all the advice!!! Lets just say that I had one of the best weeks in the mission!!!!! 

So Transfers did come, and to my surprise, my comp left, and I was put to train for my last transfer... It was kind of a weird training meeting, because there were only three new missionaries who got here this transfer.  So it felt like no one was there! But my new companion is Elder Lagos, he is from Santiago Chile.  He is just the best!!! He is a way good missionary, and he knows a lot more than me! I get along with him really well!!! We are working really hard together, and we are contacting so much!!!! 

Then as you can see in the pics, the Zuniga family got baptized!!! It was the best, they were so happy, and President Willard was there for the Baptism also! After they were baptized, The Bro Zuniga shared his testimony, and it was so powerful! They are so converted, and he is going to be an amazing leader in the church! He made a joke and said that he thought after his baptism he was going to fall over like he was dead, and have a vision like the Lamoni, that Ammon taught!!! Haha he is reading so much, and he is really smart also!!! It was a really great experience with them! 

So while I was in Santa Cruz this week for the trainers meeting, I was able to go back to Guapilo, and see the Millares family! They were so happy, and I will send you pictures later that I took with them! It was great! I miss them! 

So something cool that happened this week, was that while we were walking, we saw a guy who was like a block and a half away.  My comp and I looked at each other, and we knew we needed to talk with him.  So we walked really fast, and talked to him right as he was walking into his door.  At first he did not seem very excited to see us, and he told us that he already knew who we were, because he was baptized when he was 13.   But he had some problems with some members.   So my comp right there took out the scriptures, and shared how our goal and example should be Christ and not the people.  Then he let us in, and we talked.  He asked us to come back  on Wednesday, when his kids and his wife would be there! It was really cool! My comp is the best! 

Thanks for everything mom, I love you a lot, thanks for all your advice, I promise this will be the best transfer!!!! love you mom! 

Monday May 30, 2016

 Hey Mom!!!! 

So this was sure an eventful week.  So first off, Monday Night, I just woke up at 2 in the morning and I felt really sick, so I got up, and went to the bathroom, and just threw up a ton! then I woke up the Elders, and they gave me a blessing, and right after I threw up again.. Then I finally fell asleep, and after that when I woke up again, I barfed again.. I felt really sick that day, but then all the sudden at night time I just felt better, and Wednesday I was perfectly fine! I was really nervous that I was going to be sick for the week, but everything was fine! 
So everything has just been going great with the Zuniga family! They should finally be baptized this week! They are seriously just the best, the husband loves the scriptures, whenever we go there, he always talks to us about the scriptures, and it sounds like he has read them like 5 times! Right now he is halfway through Alma, he finished the pearl of great price, and is starting D&C! he is super smart also!!! 

We also had the miracle of being able to find a lot of cool families this week! I just love when out of no where families come out, and we find them! Not all of them progress, but I strongly believe that lots of times we are just planting a seed in their hearts, and in the future they will see missionaries and talk with them again and get baptized! Cause almost all the people who I have baptized have seen or talked to missionaries at one point, but it just wasn't there time! 

Also this week I have been reading a lot in the end of 3rd Nephi, and Mormon! It is really interesting how they foresee everything that was going to happen with the Lamanites and the house of Israel! And it's also really interesting to read all the promises about the Gentiles! I just love learning new things about that, and I can't believe i was never interested in all this before the mission. 

Thanks for everything mom and dad!!!  Just to let you know, this week I start my last transfer, it will be the best transfer of my whole mission!!!! love you all!  

Monday May 24, 2016

Well this has been an eventful week!!! 

First off for the bad news, I lost my card... I am not sure if it got stolen, or if I just lost it, but I don't have it, so you probably need to cancel it.. Sorry... I also lost my drivers license with it... and everything else in my wallet... but whatever...

So this week has been really fun, my comp and I have been working with lots of new families, and new people that we are working with... new people are just coming out of nowhere, and we have been seeing so many miracles! This one sister brought a guy to church, and he is way cool, he is from Argentina.  When we went and visited him, he accepted the invitation to be baptized.  When he lived in Argentina he also knew the missionaries and he went to church there as well! He is way cool, and he should hopefully get baptized soon!!! 

I had some cool pictures to send but this computer is having problems... But the Zuniga family is doing great, they are just so great, and they are so ready to get baptized!!! They even gave us pizza the last time we were there!!! Haha but they really are just the best! The mission is just going great, and I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing so good back home!!! I love you all!!!! 

Monday May 16, 2016

Well, we had an amazing week here!!!! We were able to meet so many cool people!!!! First, we had an amazing conference with Elder Montoya, who is just an amazing guy, and his humbleness and patience amazed me! The we had a cool stake conference, where they divided the stake here, Elder Uceda was here, and also Elder Hale (from the seventy). Wow, I learned so much from these conferences!! Elder Uceda talked about the Sabbath day, and the importance of it.  He explained when the bible was written in greek the words mean different things than what we understand. It was just a great conference!!! 

Oh we also found a scorpion in our house.. That was kind of scary, but also really cool! 

This week the Zuniga family had their interviews, and are getting everything ready for baptism.  They are going to wait till the end of the month to get baptized, because the brother of the mom who is a bishop is going to come to Tarija at the end of the month! But they are really good! Then also something else cool that happened this week is that my comp and I were contacting, and we decided to go for a street we hadn't been on, and we knocked a door, and the lady didn't seem very interested.  So we asked her if any of her neighbors would be interested. In order to get rid of us, she told us the name of her neighbors.  It was a super nice and big house.  Normally rich people don't talk with us.  But we knocked, and a lady came out so we started talking to her, and she let us come in.  We met her husband, and we started talking with them.  They told us how a week and a half ago, they were going to Villamontes, and had a horrible accident.  Their car rolled 3 times, and nothing happened to them.. Then the dad said he knew he needed to get closer to God in his life.  They said they were normally never home on Sundays, but because of the accident, they decided to stay home that Sunday, and that's when we knocked!! We had a super good lesson and talked about the plan of salvation.  They are just really nice people!!! It was great!!! 

Well I just love being here, things are going great, and I love this work!!!! Thanks for everything mom!!! Love you!!! 

Monday May 9, 2016

It was great to talk to you guys! I am sorry I couldn't even think of an experience to share, there has just been so many things that have happened it was just hard to think!!! haha 

But it was so good to see everyone!!! 
Well so this week has been good, we have been working hard on finding new families to visit, and we have been starting to have lots of success with that! We really want to find the good prepared people in our area, and we know that there are a lot! 
Like I said yesterday it is a lot different being in a ward, but it is also a lot easier! I feel like we can focus more on the people, and not so much on trying to activate the members!

Well everything really is going great here, I love visiting all the people, and even though it's sometimes cold, it's a lot easier to work when you are not sweating a lot! So I guess I can't complain to much! Just sometimes the people don't even come outside when you knock on there doors, but the good things is that people invite you to drink Maté with them.  Which is like a weird herb drink that I love.  It's really good! I think its my new addiction! Haha 

Well this should be a great week with all the conferences that we should have, so I will tell you next week everything I learned!!! Thanks for being the best, I love you all!!!!